The opportunity of gaining an education or professional training for adults in prison is highly recommended, but is not mandatory. There should be the opportunity for gaining at least a primary education for school-aged persons, or those a little older, serving a prison sentence.

The objective of providing an opportunity to prisoners to acquire education is to ensure that prisoners have adequate knowledge, skills and ethical principles which would allow the prisoners to continue their education and work after release. The prison service shall ensure that general premises, classrooms and workshops necessary for the acquisition of general education, vocational education and in-service training for the purpose of professional development exist, as well as the possibility to receive practical training in the areas of specialisation taught in the prison.

Prisoners who are not proficient in Estonian shall, at their request, be provided with an opportunity to study Estonian. Remuneration for studies may be paid to adult prisoners.

Read more about the type of education you are interested in: 


Last updated 19/11/2018