Labour Inspectorate is a Estonian state institution overseeing various aspects of employment, including the protection of employees and safety in the workplace.

How can it help you

Resolving labour disputes 

Labour disputes are resolved by labour dispute committees of the corresponding region of the Labour Inspectorate. A written application is submitted to the Labour Dispute Committee of the employee’s place of business.

State supervision

The Labour Inspectorate performs state supervision over compliance with requirements of legislation regulating health and safety at work. Supervision is exercised by different inspection activities, the main of which are general, target or follow-up inspection.


  • supervision of compliance with the rules regulating employment relationships and safety in the workplace
  • consultations on questions relating to employment relationships and safety requirements in the workplace for employees and employers
  • awareness raising in society about the importance of safety at work
  • mediation of conflicts between employers and employees
  • registration and investigation of accidents within workplaces

More information & Contacts
+372 640 6000

Labour Inspectorate
Gonsiori 29
10147 Tallinn

Last updated 04/12/2017