Private databases and registers are owned by private entities such as companies and organisations. The collection, storage and use of your personal data in private databases and registers may result in the violation of your right to private life if not done lawfully.
Lawful processing
Data processing in private databases and registers is allowed only in specific situations. These situations are exhaustively listed in the General Data Protection Regulation.
Unlike public databases, the inclusion of your personal information in private databases is always voluntary and requires a legal basis, such as your consent. This means that you can freely choose whether to agree having your personal information stored in a private database. Remember that you can also always withdraw your consent.
example If you decide to open a bank account, your consent is required to have your personal identification and contact details stored in the database of the bank. Both the opening of the bank account and your consent are voluntarily given. Naturally, if you are not willing to provide your personal information and give your consent to store the information, you will be simply refused to open the bank account.
All activities regarding the processing of personal data should be proportionate. It must be necessary and suitable for the particular purpose and not of an excessive scope. This means that the type and amount of data collected and stored should be appropriate and not excessive in relation to the purposes for which it is collected and stored.
Data also shall not be stored longer than necessary. Moreover, the data shall not be further processed for other purposes that were not initially determined. In that case, your consent is required.
Data shall not be disclosed to third parties, such as other companies, authorities or persons, without your consent, unless there are the specific situations exhaustively listed by law.
There shall be adequate and effective guarantees against abuse and misuse of your data by the data users. Read more how to protect yourself in such situations.