Medical data protection

Medical data related to your reproductive and sexual health has a particularly sensitive nature and should be specially protected so as not to violate your right to a private life.

Information about the state of your sexual and reproductive health and the medical treatment that you have received has a particularly personal and sensitive nature. A vital principle in the processing of this data is the respect for confidentiality. 

The processing of medical data related to your sexual and reproductive health is a restriction of your right to a private life. An unlawful disclosure of such data to third persons or even to the public in general without your consent (except in cases where your consent is not needed according to law) may lead to a violation of your right to private life. 

example The fact that information about your abortion or artificial procreation is disclosed to the media merely due to a heated debate about these issues in society, or because of your status as a public person, will not justify its disclosure without your consent. 

Read more about your medical data


Last updated 24/07/2020