
The right to a private and family life protects various aspects of parenthood, including your choice to become, or not to become, a parent and your relationship with your child.

The bond that exists between you as a parent and your child, even if you are not living together, shapes your relationship as a family. The biological and/or legal relationship with a child creates rights and obligations for both the parent and the child, from the right to mutual enjoyment of each other’s company, to the parent’s obligation to contribute to child maintenance. 

Parenthood has various aspects that are included in, and protected by, human rights, such as the choice to become (or not to become) a parent, the legal recognition of your parent-child relationship and different parental rights.

About this section

In this section, you can learn about the legal recognition of your relationship with your child, the adoption procedure and different parental rights. You can learn about how your interests should be balanced against those of others, including your child’s in case of a conflict of interests or rights, and how to protect your relationship with your child.

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Last updated 24/07/2020